Friday, March 26, 2010

To the Bathroom!

Week 9 and all I can ask is when will the morning sickness end!!!!  It went from feeling a bit nauseated during the day to full blown puking every morning and sometimes while at school.  All I have to do is walk out into the hall and the teacher next door knows I’ve gotta go.  It has also been very difficult finding places to throw up where kids are not listening to you vom your guts out.  The last thing I want is one of my little darlings telling all his/her friends “man Ms. Moment vomin’ in the bathroom, dead!” 

Food is progressively getting better.  I’m still not able to eat everything I typically like but that’s ok.  I have started to get very hungry at normal meal times, like ravenous hungry.  Last week I almost tore my principals head off 2 days in a row because there was a delay in mealtime.  I’m sure I looked rude with my head down while she was talking but it was better than me leaping across everyone and trying to devour all the food.  On Friday night we went out for Kathy’s birthday.  I felt a bit fearful about eating or smelling PF Chang’s food and I ended up being ok.  I think a week before it would have been bad news. 

I would like to say that there have been changes in my energy level but alas there have not.  I still like to sit at my desk, a lot I mean a real lot, like all day.  I feel like the worst teacher ever.  I’m that teacher that makes the kids come to me with a question.  I think I’ll work on wheeling my chair around the room.  I’m really going to try to make more of an effort to take walks in the afternoon this next week.

Let’s just talk about my body for a sec.  I have gained a few pounds but not many and what I have gained has gone directly to my tummy.  I wish I had the guts to take the bare belly pictures but I don’t and I really can’t think about my bloated belly right now.  My clothes are still fitting me fine (minus the bra which will be replaced at months end) but I can see them not doing so in a few short weeks.

Last week my midwife told me to take a Omega 3 vitamin.  I went to trader Joe’s (which have great Per-natal vitamins) to get my fatty acids on.  For some reason I opted to get the gummy vitamins, you know the ones that 5 year-olds take.  I only saw that they were in the shapes of sea creatures and didn’t think of why they looked like sea creatures.  Well I found that out when I got home as they tasted like fish.  I forgot about the fish oil.  So very funny Trader Joe’s with your sea shaped fish tasting gummies!

I am convinced I’m having a girl.  A boy would not be putting me through this hell of morning sickness.  I’m giving in and starting to believe the ol’ wives tales about girls making you more prone to morning sickness.  I don’t want a girl as a first but I would be excited about all the cute little pink shit.  


  1. So happy for you Jenny...but I hate to tell morning sickness didn't go away until my 6th month! But, everyone is different. And don't worry: you are not a bad teacher. I have to get up to pee every five seconds at the Children's Museum...I can barely make it through a class. I thought the same thing about the old wives tales as well...but, we are having a boy. I have also heard that if you have really bad heartburn your child will be born with lots of hair. I am not sure about that one either, as both my husband and I were bald babies. Who knows? I wish you guys the best. You can follow along with me too if you want I am 31 1/2 weeks...hard to believe he will be here so soon. Do you all want to find out the sex?

  2. Hey Sarah,

    It's been a better week altogether! Maybe (dare I say) it's subsiding....
    We do want to find out the sex as I'm a major planner. We will not be releasing any names though as we need some surprises for people to have. Best of luck in the next few weeks and I can't wait to see your sweet little boy:)
