Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Summer Sweat
Weeks 23-26
I have been teaching summer school which is always fun during your summer vacation (not really). It, in truth, was not that bad. It lasted only a few weeks and I worked Monday-Thursday from 7:30-1:00. I had a planning period as well, I read "Gone With The Wind" for most of that time or registered for baby stuff online. I'm done now and have made a few extra bucks for when the baby comes and all extra money we have will be sucked away into diapers and baby product.
We also have done the big registry thing! Matt and I went to Target in early July to register for some baby stuff. Our good friend (and mom) Gwyn came with us to help with all the things that you have no idea you need. You know that scary aisle with breast pumps and a gazillion bottles, well Gwyn helped with that aisle. I would recommend that every new mom take a mom friend with them to register, because they have the scoop on new products and what works. Matt was utterly bored, for which I don't blame him, but I did let him use the gun, the only joy he gets from doing a registry. We decided NOT to register at Babies 'R' Us because frankly I would probably go into early labor from stress if I had to walk in there. We are registered on which is an amazing website where you can pick from any site and compile a registry. So we have some pretty amazing stuff on there from, Wu Tang onsies to a Phil and Ted's stroller (please someone buy us the stroller). So done and done.
I went for my first OB appointment since mid-May and the jump in weight was a bit unsettling. I did have to remember that it had been quite a long time and all the trail mix and ice cream would catch up at some point. I saw the actual doctor this time as one of the midwives left the practice in June. It has been a bitch to get an appointment so I settled on the doc who I had only seen once. Upon seeing him again I decided I really liked him and think he is a very funny man. He set my mind a bit more at ease with all the neck fold stuff and let me know that the doctor will look at the baby's heart during the next ultra sound and if it looks good we are a-ok. I have also been having some MAJOR back and under boob pain which some friends say might be heartburn. He told me to take Tums, but they still haven't seemed to help as of yet. I think I might have to try Zantac and see if that makes a difference.
Last but not least how could I not say something about this damn heat. For all of you who are complaining about it being hot you have nothing on us city dwellers who have to endure the dank stale city air. It has been the hottest summer in Richmond since I have lived here and it's not even August yet, which is our most sweltering month. Matt and I took a walk into Carytown the other day (on our Anniversary) to get some guitar strings and a fan. I thought he would have to carry me home. My walk has tranformed to a waddle and it's pretty slow going for this pregs lady. Most days I just want to stay inside and read, "Gone With The Wind" and eat popsicles.
The baby has started moving ALOT. So all that complaining I was doing in earlier posts about the baby not moving I take back. The other night Matt and I sat for an hour just watching my tummy move all around. I swear the baby is moshing. Matt also felt the baby move for the first time on his Birthday, when he was laying his head on my tummy and the baby kicked him in the face a few times. With all that moving I started having Braxton Hicks which are non labor contractions. They feel really weird and your whole tummy hardens for a few seconds and then relaxes. I had read that it was sometimes rare for first time moms to get them and that there shouldn't be more than 4 in an hour. So I freaked a bit when I read this and decided to drink more water to see if that would help. I'll keep you posted.
Matt celebrated his 26th birthday at Strange Matter with burgers and good friends. We went to Florida as well for Matt's Grandpa's 90th Birthday but that's a whole other blog entry.
I have been teaching summer school which is always fun during your summer vacation (not really). It, in truth, was not that bad. It lasted only a few weeks and I worked Monday-Thursday from 7:30-1:00. I had a planning period as well, I read "Gone With The Wind" for most of that time or registered for baby stuff online. I'm done now and have made a few extra bucks for when the baby comes and all extra money we have will be sucked away into diapers and baby product.
We also have done the big registry thing! Matt and I went to Target in early July to register for some baby stuff. Our good friend (and mom) Gwyn came with us to help with all the things that you have no idea you need. You know that scary aisle with breast pumps and a gazillion bottles, well Gwyn helped with that aisle. I would recommend that every new mom take a mom friend with them to register, because they have the scoop on new products and what works. Matt was utterly bored, for which I don't blame him, but I did let him use the gun, the only joy he gets from doing a registry. We decided NOT to register at Babies 'R' Us because frankly I would probably go into early labor from stress if I had to walk in there. We are registered on which is an amazing website where you can pick from any site and compile a registry. So we have some pretty amazing stuff on there from, Wu Tang onsies to a Phil and Ted's stroller (please someone buy us the stroller). So done and done.
I went for my first OB appointment since mid-May and the jump in weight was a bit unsettling. I did have to remember that it had been quite a long time and all the trail mix and ice cream would catch up at some point. I saw the actual doctor this time as one of the midwives left the practice in June. It has been a bitch to get an appointment so I settled on the doc who I had only seen once. Upon seeing him again I decided I really liked him and think he is a very funny man. He set my mind a bit more at ease with all the neck fold stuff and let me know that the doctor will look at the baby's heart during the next ultra sound and if it looks good we are a-ok. I have also been having some MAJOR back and under boob pain which some friends say might be heartburn. He told me to take Tums, but they still haven't seemed to help as of yet. I think I might have to try Zantac and see if that makes a difference.
Last but not least how could I not say something about this damn heat. For all of you who are complaining about it being hot you have nothing on us city dwellers who have to endure the dank stale city air. It has been the hottest summer in Richmond since I have lived here and it's not even August yet, which is our most sweltering month. Matt and I took a walk into Carytown the other day (on our Anniversary) to get some guitar strings and a fan. I thought he would have to carry me home. My walk has tranformed to a waddle and it's pretty slow going for this pregs lady. Most days I just want to stay inside and read, "Gone With The Wind" and eat popsicles.
The baby has started moving ALOT. So all that complaining I was doing in earlier posts about the baby not moving I take back. The other night Matt and I sat for an hour just watching my tummy move all around. I swear the baby is moshing. Matt also felt the baby move for the first time on his Birthday, when he was laying his head on my tummy and the baby kicked him in the face a few times. With all that moving I started having Braxton Hicks which are non labor contractions. They feel really weird and your whole tummy hardens for a few seconds and then relaxes. I had read that it was sometimes rare for first time moms to get them and that there shouldn't be more than 4 in an hour. So I freaked a bit when I read this and decided to drink more water to see if that would help. I'll keep you posted.
Matt celebrated his 26th birthday at Strange Matter with burgers and good friends. We went to Florida as well for Matt's Grandpa's 90th Birthday but that's a whole other blog entry.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Week 21 and 22
Week 21 was my final week of school, thank the Lord! I was very ready to be finished. It just became a bit too much dealing with behavior problems of my little darlings and my temper became very short. During my last week my belly finally REALLY popped and I started looking visibly pregnant and not like I had eaten too many Country Style Doughnuts (which may be the case as well). The belly button is still intact though and I’m wondering if it will ever pop. Maybe I will be the 10% of moms whose belly button doesn’t pop. I also started feeling some back pain during the week and it also extends to the front of my body right under my rib cage. My posture I know is the main culprit of this. I really wish my mother would have made me sit up straighter as a child. Trying to correct my posture over the past 2 years as an adult has been a difficult task. I have to do a lot of laying on my back flat to make the pain go away. Yoga is in the near future.
Week 22 I had my next ultrasound scheduled on Tuesday. My parents had arrived on Friday and were spending time with us for the upcoming event on Tuesday. We were able to spend Father’s Day together, which I don’t think I have been able to do for about 10 years. On Tuesday morning we went to the hospital to find out I made a mistake and put the wrong day in my phone. We had missed the appointment on Monday but they were nice enough to fit us in a few hours later. The ultrasound was awesome and the tech even flipped the magic switch and showed us the 4-D view, which looked like Ghotstbusters II the Vigo portrait when he's trying to escape. The picture is insane though as you can see details of the baby lips, nose, eyes, which I feel he looks like Matt. We even got the money shot of his very *cough boy parts. So he is a he!!! Everything went very smoothly until the doctor came in and gave us news we were never really ready to hear. We have our first hiccup in the pregnancy. The doctor measured the baby’s neck fold and said it was a bit large (a possible sign of downs) which we thought we were in the clear for. Our chances are now 1 in 500 instead of 1 in 10,000 which is a bit disconcerting. He seemed not that concerned but asked us to come back in 8 weeks to check and see if anything has changed. It was also hard for him to check the heart because the baby was sleeping on his tummy and butt in the air (sleeps like his mom). So we go back then to see. Matt isn’t worried as he thinks the baby just has a fat neck like him. I had a bit of a breakdown over the weekend but am feeling better about things. It’s just very hard to find things like this out and not worry for 8 weeks. I did get to go to the beach over the weekend and decompress and hang out with Kathy. We literally did nothing for 4 days which felt great. I now have to keep it posi for the next few weeks!
Week 21 was my final week of school, thank the Lord! I was very ready to be finished. It just became a bit too much dealing with behavior problems of my little darlings and my temper became very short. During my last week my belly finally REALLY popped and I started looking visibly pregnant and not like I had eaten too many Country Style Doughnuts (which may be the case as well). The belly button is still intact though and I’m wondering if it will ever pop. Maybe I will be the 10% of moms whose belly button doesn’t pop. I also started feeling some back pain during the week and it also extends to the front of my body right under my rib cage. My posture I know is the main culprit of this. I really wish my mother would have made me sit up straighter as a child. Trying to correct my posture over the past 2 years as an adult has been a difficult task. I have to do a lot of laying on my back flat to make the pain go away. Yoga is in the near future.
Week 22 I had my next ultrasound scheduled on Tuesday. My parents had arrived on Friday and were spending time with us for the upcoming event on Tuesday. We were able to spend Father’s Day together, which I don’t think I have been able to do for about 10 years. On Tuesday morning we went to the hospital to find out I made a mistake and put the wrong day in my phone. We had missed the appointment on Monday but they were nice enough to fit us in a few hours later. The ultrasound was awesome and the tech even flipped the magic switch and showed us the 4-D view, which looked like Ghotstbusters II the Vigo portrait when he's trying to escape. The picture is insane though as you can see details of the baby lips, nose, eyes, which I feel he looks like Matt. We even got the money shot of his very *cough boy parts. So he is a he!!! Everything went very smoothly until the doctor came in and gave us news we were never really ready to hear. We have our first hiccup in the pregnancy. The doctor measured the baby’s neck fold and said it was a bit large (a possible sign of downs) which we thought we were in the clear for. Our chances are now 1 in 500 instead of 1 in 10,000 which is a bit disconcerting. He seemed not that concerned but asked us to come back in 8 weeks to check and see if anything has changed. It was also hard for him to check the heart because the baby was sleeping on his tummy and butt in the air (sleeps like his mom). So we go back then to see. Matt isn’t worried as he thinks the baby just has a fat neck like him. I had a bit of a breakdown over the weekend but am feeling better about things. It’s just very hard to find things like this out and not worry for 8 weeks. I did get to go to the beach over the weekend and decompress and hang out with Kathy. We literally did nothing for 4 days which felt great. I now have to keep it posi for the next few weeks!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Baby Movin' Baby Movin'
Week 18-20
These weeks have all seemed to blend together over the past 3 weeks. The biggest event had to have been that one of my students came to stay with us for a week. I’m sure everyone thought we were crazy for taking her in, but we did what had to be done. It was an emotional rollercoaster and we are still working things out with the family. I wish I could say I was happy with the outcome but it’s just not time for us to raise a tween.
Around week 19 I felt the baby move for the first time. I was laying in bad dozing off and felt the, so-called flutters. Since then the baby seems to do summersaults in my belly. I drank coffee the other week and the baby freaked out. I feel him move at certain times of the day and I have been told this could be his sleeping patterns. Mainly the moving is at 10:00 am and 10:00pm that I can tell for sure.
Sleeping is rough that’s all I will say.
It’s almost the end of the school year and I can’t wait to be done. I have recently started not feeling very safe in the school. I seem to walk around with my hand over my tummy dodging kids running through the halls. The fights have been plenty abundant in which I just quietly retreat to my room. At this point I will face push a kid.
These weeks have all seemed to blend together over the past 3 weeks. The biggest event had to have been that one of my students came to stay with us for a week. I’m sure everyone thought we were crazy for taking her in, but we did what had to be done. It was an emotional rollercoaster and we are still working things out with the family. I wish I could say I was happy with the outcome but it’s just not time for us to raise a tween.
Around week 19 I felt the baby move for the first time. I was laying in bad dozing off and felt the, so-called flutters. Since then the baby seems to do summersaults in my belly. I drank coffee the other week and the baby freaked out. I feel him move at certain times of the day and I have been told this could be his sleeping patterns. Mainly the moving is at 10:00 am and 10:00pm that I can tell for sure.
Sleeping is rough that’s all I will say.
It’s almost the end of the school year and I can’t wait to be done. I have recently started not feeling very safe in the school. I seem to walk around with my hand over my tummy dodging kids running through the halls. The fights have been plenty abundant in which I just quietly retreat to my room. At this point I will face push a kid.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Twiddling My Thumbs
So here's the update for weeks 16 and 17.
I had my big recital at the Landmark Theater in Richmond. It was very successful because I didn't fall falt on my face when I did my buffalo turn (this is a tricky move for a pregnant lady). I was pretty freaked out about my dance grade tights as they held in my tummy poor baby was all sucked in. Matt and His mom Lisa came to the show as it was freaking expensive and didn't want to burden friends with the cost. If you didn't see the video it's in the post below. I really enjoyed tap this year and want to continue. I still day dream of a solo tap number someday....

I had an appointment during week 17 with the midwife. This was just a routine checkup as we haven't seen the midwives since week 8. She talked to us about dulas and The Bradley Method which is a cool 12 week class about natural childbirth. Yes, that's right I'm trying to go natural. I think hiring a dula will be really great for Matt as I feel he may get pretty freaked out if they start wheeling out hospital equiptment. The most wonderful part was that Lisa and Sunie (Matt's sister) were there to hear the heartbeat. We did find out that the midwife Nicole that we have seen the past two times will be leaving the practice. Matt and I were pretting bummed as we were secretly hoping she would be the one to deliver our baby. We showed the girls the maternity ward and I started to get pretty excited and terrified about the whole labor thing.
So my belly is getting bigger which was a direct result from all those pains the previous week. But I still haven't felt baby. I know I'm just getting anxious but I can't wait to feel all those little flutters everyone talks about. I have been sitting really still on the couch after I eat dinner just waiting. No action yet. Matt has even been talking to the baby doing mosh call outs. I'll keep my fingers crossed for next week.
One thing I forgot to mention weeks ago was the choice that Matt and I made for God Parents. We had been thinking and praying about who it should be for a few weeks and one couple kept coming up in conversation. We had some critera of course.
1. Must live alti-lifestyle.
2. Must want/like kids.
3. Must be married couple.
4. Must like Richmond alot.
5. Must go to church.
So in our search we decided to ask our friends Tess and Dan. In the event that Matt and I die in a freak plane crash we know that our kid will be in good hands. I guess we will have to cut down on all of our weekend solo plane trips. So Tess and Dan will be put in our will (yes, we are having a will made weird). Being a grown up is strange sometimes.
I had my big recital at the Landmark Theater in Richmond. It was very successful because I didn't fall falt on my face when I did my buffalo turn (this is a tricky move for a pregnant lady). I was pretty freaked out about my dance grade tights as they held in my tummy poor baby was all sucked in. Matt and His mom Lisa came to the show as it was freaking expensive and didn't want to burden friends with the cost. If you didn't see the video it's in the post below. I really enjoyed tap this year and want to continue. I still day dream of a solo tap number someday....
I had an appointment during week 17 with the midwife. This was just a routine checkup as we haven't seen the midwives since week 8. She talked to us about dulas and The Bradley Method which is a cool 12 week class about natural childbirth. Yes, that's right I'm trying to go natural. I think hiring a dula will be really great for Matt as I feel he may get pretty freaked out if they start wheeling out hospital equiptment. The most wonderful part was that Lisa and Sunie (Matt's sister) were there to hear the heartbeat. We did find out that the midwife Nicole that we have seen the past two times will be leaving the practice. Matt and I were pretting bummed as we were secretly hoping she would be the one to deliver our baby. We showed the girls the maternity ward and I started to get pretty excited and terrified about the whole labor thing.
One thing I forgot to mention weeks ago was the choice that Matt and I made for God Parents. We had been thinking and praying about who it should be for a few weeks and one couple kept coming up in conversation. We had some critera of course.
1. Must live alti-lifestyle.
2. Must want/like kids.
3. Must be married couple.
4. Must like Richmond alot.
5. Must go to church.
So in our search we decided to ask our friends Tess and Dan. In the event that Matt and I die in a freak plane crash we know that our kid will be in good hands. I guess we will have to cut down on all of our weekend solo plane trips. So Tess and Dan will be put in our will (yes, we are having a will made weird). Being a grown up is strange sometimes.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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