I have been teaching summer school which is always fun during your summer vacation (not really). It, in truth, was not that bad. It lasted only a few weeks and I worked Monday-Thursday from 7:30-1:00. I had a planning period as well, I read "Gone With The Wind" for most of that time or registered for baby stuff online. I'm done now and have made a few extra bucks for when the baby comes and all extra money we have will be sucked away into diapers and baby product.
We also have done the big registry thing! Matt and I went to Target in early July to register for some baby stuff. Our good friend (and mom) Gwyn came with us to help with all the things that you have no idea you need. You know that scary aisle with breast pumps and a gazillion bottles, well Gwyn helped with that aisle. I would recommend that every new mom take a mom friend with them to register, because they have the scoop on new products and what works. Matt was utterly bored, for which I don't blame him, but I did let him use the gun, the only joy he gets from doing a registry. We decided NOT to register at Babies 'R' Us because frankly I would probably go into early labor from stress if I had to walk in there. We are registered on Myregistry.com which is an amazing website where you can pick from any site and compile a registry. So we have some pretty amazing stuff on there from, Wu Tang onsies to a Phil and Ted's stroller (please someone buy us the stroller). So done and done.
I went for my first OB appointment since mid-May and the jump in weight was a bit unsettling. I did have to remember that it had been quite a long time and all the trail mix and ice cream would catch up at some point. I saw the actual doctor this time as one of the midwives left the practice in June. It has been a bitch to get an appointment so I settled on the doc who I had only seen once. Upon seeing him again I decided I really liked him and think he is a very funny man. He set my mind a bit more at ease with all the neck fold stuff and let me know that the doctor will look at the baby's heart during the next ultra sound and if it looks good we are a-ok. I have also been having some MAJOR back and under boob pain which some friends say might be heartburn. He told me to take Tums, but they still haven't seemed to help as of yet. I think I might have to try Zantac and see if that makes a difference.
Last but not least how could I not say something about this damn heat. For all of you who are complaining about it being hot you have nothing on us city dwellers who have to endure the dank stale city air. It has been the hottest summer in Richmond since I have lived here and it's not even August yet, which is our most sweltering month. Matt and I took a walk into Carytown the other day (on our Anniversary) to get some guitar strings and a fan. I thought he would have to carry me home. My walk has tranformed to a waddle and it's pretty slow going for this pregs lady. Most days I just want to stay inside and read, "Gone With The Wind" and eat popsicles.
The baby has started moving ALOT. So all that complaining I was doing in earlier posts about the baby not moving I take back. The other night Matt and I sat for an hour just watching my tummy move all around. I swear the baby is moshing. Matt also felt the baby move for the first time on his Birthday, when he was laying his head on my tummy and the baby kicked him in the face a few times. With all that moving I started having Braxton Hicks which are non labor contractions. They feel really weird and your whole tummy hardens for a few seconds and then relaxes. I had read that it was sometimes rare for first time moms to get them and that there shouldn't be more than 4 in an hour. So I freaked a bit when I read this and decided to drink more water to see if that would help. I'll keep you posted.
Matt celebrated his 26th birthday at Strange Matter with burgers and good friends. We went to Florida as well for Matt's Grandpa's 90th Birthday but that's a whole other blog entry.
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