Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A blog, Mr. Durbin, and an i-phone

I am not a writer and nor do I desire to be one. I am never going to be Jane Austin (though I could only wish). The fact is that I'm a product of a small town school system. Blissfield Schools taught me very little about punctuation, sentence structure, and really writing in general. I really almost wished I would have paid more attention in Mr. Durbin's grammar class. It was his small attempt to make us "jug blowing, whittling IHOP monkey's" into future writing geniuses. It didn't work, but it was a valiant attempt. This man of men, also sent a young Jenny O into a teary sniffling ball of emotion my freshmen year. Yes, friends it was over an atrocious paper I had written. I was a babbling mess as he berated me in his office. As, I turned to walk out he whispered the words "used me as an example." Oh I just happened to be the field mouse that the hawk got that day. No one messed with the Durbin-a-tor after that. I was never considered a favorite. It was always jocks, like Dicky Robinson. During a lecture he would walk slowly over to Dicky and begin to massage his shoulders. "Ahhhhhhh Dick" he would say, "do you like to read books?" A frantic Dickey was lucky to get out the fact that he liked to read magazines, which kept Durbin happy. He did have some heart though, as I saw the day of my grandfathers funeral. Mr Durbin showed up at St. Peters to pay his respects, where I also recited scripture from Ecclesiastes. Afterward he told me I was a wonderful speaker, folks my heart jumped at this comment. I don't ever see Mr. Durbin anymore, but I'm told he is doing well by my brother. When I am home I still drive by his house ever so slowly and honk the horn for 30-40 seconds. This has always been an Overhulse tradition.

So until I get that i-phone and turn this thing into a photo blog, you will have to continue reading the shit that I write. I only hope and wish I could be like my fellow blogger friends Tess and Val who truly are the bloggiest of the bloggers. It may be an epic fail on my part, as I may forget I have this thing, but what the hell let's give it a go for now.

Overhulse Out


  1. You have a good start! No failing allowed!

  2. Oh, I had a Mr. Durbin in college, except I can't remember her name. I'm sure she is still as cranky as ever.

    So lovely Jenny, I'm coming back for more...and can I tell you how much I love your banner picture? awesome.

  3. AHHHHHHHHH!!!! Mr. Durbin. My one and ONLY detention in life. The perfectionist in me thinks he's a dick for marking my perfectness of an image with the notorious scarlet letter of a DETENTION. I mean, who did he think he was! :0) No, really. I love Pete. Even with this event scarring my life of high school... that man rocks.

  4. WHAT... IS A FEAST??????????????
    Mashed potatoes!!!
